
Presbyterian Church


11:00am  –  Worship in the Chapel

About us

Following Christ’s command to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37-39), we strive to be a welcoming, caring, inclusive, community of faith, committed to joyfully sharing God’s grace together through worship, education, fellowship, and service. Here, everyone is known and loved for who they uniquely are. Here, questions are welcomed and embraced as we explore our faith together. Here, we humbly follow Christ’s call to partner with others in serving our community.

Core Values

  • Love: In all things, with Christ’s lead, we strive to love God with our whole selves, and love each other and our neighbors as we love ourselves.
  • Grace: We revel in the saving grace of Jesus Christ, which compels us to gratefully share this good news through our words and actions.
  • Inclusion: Just as Christ lived, we seek to embrace all people and to invite and to welcome all individuals into our church life.
  • Creative Expression: We believe music, art, and other forms of creative expression are ways we can celebrate God’s grace and excite our love of God.
  • Service: We seek to work alongside our neighbors to meet community needs near and far as we build transformative relationships.

OPC is proud to provide a Sunday School education program and support a number of ministries within and beyond of our church.

Learn about our upcoming Worship Services, Music, and Newsletters so you don’t miss a thing!

We are very thankful for all of those who support the church and its partners. Learn more about how to give online and volunteer your services.